Yoyok's Genk adalah Kelompok Kami. Kami kebetulan memiliki hobi yang sama 'Ngemot' dan 'Nyebul' Saxophone. Genk ini tempat berhimpunnya penggemar Saxophone yang kebetulan 'murid' disekolah musik dan studio Y2K terutama pada kelas SAXOPHONE karena alasan Hobi, bagi penggemar alat musik SEXY Saxophone, mari bergabung dengan kami untuk saling berbagi 'pengalaman' kirim tulisan yang berkaitan dengan Saxophone ke: masrazie@gmail.com kalau bisa ditambah foto pas lagi 'Ngemot' dan 'Nyebul" Saxophone.......semoga ada manfaatnya.

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Yoyok's Genk menyambut Tujuh Belasan

Yoyok's Genk menyambut Tujuh Belasan
Berlatih sambil menghibur...............itulah kata yang paling pas.....ketika sebuah kegemaran atau Hobi, tersalurkan dilingkungan tempat kita ber-Empat tinggal sambil memeriahkan 17 Agustus 2008....... Pokoknya seru....Anggota YOYOK'S GENK : Pak Martono, Pak Agus, Pak Rafjhon dan Pak Razie dengan Expresinya masing-masing unjuk kebolehan 'Ngemot' dan 'Nyebul' Saxophone

Jumat, 23 Mei 2008

My Music School

Conservatoire of Y2K Studio Since forming of in the year 2000, conservatoire of Y2K Studio with support of fasilitss complete education, instructor energy which [is] professional and also inwrought curriculum, ever give best in education of technique have music [to] and also development of creativity. Conservatoire of Y2K Studio [is] school giving education of music as a(n) which can balance awaken sensitivity of knowledge and esthetics about playing at music and sing real correct and good to [all] the rising generation. For the purpose of that, school provide instructor energy with strong education background, professional and experienced in hand music instrument and vocal. Therefore, to support process learn adequate to student, conservatoire of Y2K studio give facility equipments of music, room learn with computer, tape, vcd, room and recording of home concert for the appearance of medium and learn adequate other ( practice studio) and also program of akademik other annual. According To MOTTO Conservatoire of Y2K Studio, " with unlimited music", we have mission and vision to share and also actively in developing musical society as part of forming of character personality of nation.

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